Saturday, September 6, 2008

Months That End in "ber"

Can you believe we've officially seen the end of summer? The weather may still be warm (or downright hot, like here in Northern CA) but now that we have entered a month that ends in "ber" it will be a BLUR right through the holidays! That's my theory anyway. The first of witch... oops, I mean, which, is Halloween. At We've rolled out some of the old favorites at the site celebrating this tricky and treaty time of year such as the free coloring pages, fun Halloween crafts and recipes and costume-covered little ones. We've also added some new articles to help you out with preparing for the big day and choosing the all-important costume.

And check out the darling items featured to the right... my favorite are the keepsake frames! Imagine your "fairy princess" or "ghost's" photograph in one! SO cute! The personalized trick or treat totes and sweatshirts are really neat too. You can select hair color, and from 12 costumed drawings to make it oh, so personal!

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